Sunday 3 June 2012

Hardcore partying: the Jubilee.

If there is anything more British than a right Royal Knees up then it's the chance that the skies will open and the weather will be miserable.

Hello Jubilee Bank Holiday Weekend.

James May's Bun Launcher
It says a lot about the Great British Public. In just about every city and town, as a nation, we are still out in force. Armed with nothing but grim determination, bunting and sausage rolls, we WILL celebrate. Even if it results in kids with colds for the rest of the holidays and suspected cases of trench foot. 
The precipitation has somewhat hampered the Lazy Mum's participation in local festivities today. 
(And before I get any more decidedly republican emails, this isn't a discussion on the monarchy. It's about attempting to do something with the kids on a bank holiday weekend. Four days is a LONG time. )
Lazy Mum is hoping the weather clears for the Bun Throwing later. 
Managed to catch a glimpse of the contraption that James May has come up with: it looks like a big length of tubing: almost like a mini cannon. Keen to see how far it launches the buns - and if it shoots them with enough force to cause injury. 
I was about to say I was now going to brave going out, but the clouds have opened and it's pissing down. 
Even the promise of a Gazebo cannot tempt me. 
It's cold and it's wet and children will be present. Therefore, large amounts of alcohol (which would help add some sense of fun to the occasion) are strictly off limits. Instead we must sit in the rain and have enforced - fixed-grin-fun punctuated by time checking and packing up the car at the merest inkling of another bloody down pour.
Nothing better than a Bank Holiday Weekend. With a sofa, and a duvet.