Lazy Eating In

See, that's where the anomaly lies. The LazyMum isn't actually LAZY.
She just utilizes her time in a different fashion to others who seem to have boundless energy, a rigid routine, and zero tendencies towards procrastination.
the Lazymum procrastinates and she does it with style. She may even get genuinely excited over cancelled plans: that's a definite telltale sign of a #lazymum
She's like WONDERWOMAN, except there's a strong chance she wont be wearing her knickers over her trousers, she'll be wearing them with nothing but a greying bra and a dressing gown that has seen  better days. She has drawers full of lacy wisps of nothing (that she can't imagine ever wearing again. The corsetry style items have more chance of coming out to play again, covering more of the bits she doesn't want to see, never mind showing them off in the odd bit of sexy time.
Anyway. Step away from the knickers for a moment and we'll get back to... what was it? yeah. The LazyMum guide to Eating in. Cookery, recipes, hints and tips all designed to help you achieve that "I've been working SO HARD, AREN'T I CLEVER!" result in minimal amounts of time. These procrastination techniques have been used by Lazymums for years and are a guaranteed time saver and cheats way to get more time to do all the things that you'd rather be doing. Like procrastinating and making lists about other jobs you *may* get round to one day. Or drinking tea/wine/gin .  We would never recommend you LIE about how long these things have actually taken you, but then we're not one's to give advice on morals and truthtelling. the Lazymum may have a tendency to tell teeny white lies to her nearest and dearest about exactly how much she'sspent whilst visiting the "Sales," so we won't tell if you don't.
Welcome to the Lazymum.

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